Specialist Repair & Renovation of

Concrete Prefab Houses & PRC Property

PRC Installers Swindon

What is PRC?

Learn More Below About What We Can Do For You

What Is PRC?

PRC stands for Pre-Cast Reinforced Concrete , this is a type of construction which is moulded at ground level for safety aspects and then lifted into place for example to build houses. Pre-cast concrete in the UK dates back to 1900's this was used to resolve the problem of destruction in Second World War. There was a further demand for Pre-cast in construction in the 1960's.

In 1981 structural cracks were discovered during the renovation works on some Airey type houses. There was extensive cracking of the concrete arising from corrosion of the steel reinforcement within the concrete. There were a number of reasons for the corrosion of the reinforcement these included:

  • Carbonation of the concrete
  • High levels of chloride present in the concrete
  • Low cover to the reinforcement
  • Poor quality of the concrete

How to obtain a PRC certificate?

Getting a mortgage for PRC housing can be very difficult. Structural repairs need to be carried out, on the property to obtain a mortgage. The repairs need to be in line with an approved PRC licence supervised by an approved inspector.

A PRC certificate is issued by an inspector as evidence to be shown to Banks and building societies as a document of structural completion of a property.

There are two types of problems firstly properties that do not have PRC certificate because the property has not been repaired or maintained since it was built. However, the solution for this is to remove or make redundant the load on bearing concrete elements of the property and then rebuilding this with tradition materials. The changes made to property in certain circumstances may require the residence to move out, although this is dependent on the amount work that needs to be carried out on the property.

The second type of problem requires the Local Authority, Engineers and Construction company to work together to resolve the PRC problem. It is up to the Lender if they are willing to accept the problems. Mortgage finance can be difficult to obtain if there is no documentation for the property.

There may have been work carried out on the property, however there may be no documentation available. Another issue can be the Local Authority could have carried out the work but PRC certificates were never issued. But this can be a minor problems as long as work carried on the property meets standards.

Our Guarantee

We are so confident that we can transform your PRC home and help you purchase it, we won't ask you for one penny up front to commence work.

What is PRCWhat is PRC Swindon

Are you looking for a free estimate?

If you would like any additional information or even a free estimate, then please feel free to call 07540 970 161 / 07972878088 or visit our contact page to get in touch with us using the enquiry form. We aim to respond within 24 Hours.

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